• January 2, 2013
  • Posted by Marc

10 Years Of Wooster: D*Face

As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary of the Wooster Collective website. we asked a group of artists who we showcased in the beginnings of the website the following question:

What's the one thing that you learned in the last decade that you had wished someone had told you 10 years ago?

The following response comes from our longtime friend, D*Face:


'What would be the one thing that I've learned that I wish someone had told me 10 years ago… buy a few of those Banskys that were £500 at his first show at Dragon Bar, we all stood around laughing at who the hell would pay 500 notes for a stencil on a bit of wood, hahaha!!  Whose laughing now… Seriously thats a tough one to answer, theres so much that i've learnt over the last 10 years, mainly through trial and error, but I guess the principal to them all is DO IT YOUR WAY, I think in many respects the early, somewhat innocent years, were the best years and in hind sight some of the lessons i've learnt have shown me that we had it right in those early years. Also to Live YOUR Dream and stay true to it, over a decade ago no one could have imagined where this scene would take us, the twists, turns, peaks, pitfalls and so long as when you search your heart, you're comfortable and at ease with the decisions you've made then there's really very little else that matters."... D*Face